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Our pricing is organization-based, not usage-based. We sell software, not seats or artificial limits on your apps or infrastructure. Your AWS usage costs remain your responsibility.

Start a 30-day free trial and then pay a fair and fixed monthly price.

Free forever

Made for builders

  1. Static Site Generators (SSG)
  2. Deploy on S3 + CloudFront
  3. 1 AWS Account (us-east-1)
  4. Unlimited applications
  5. Automated deploys


Made for full-stack developers

  1. Server Side Rendering (SSR)
  2. Deploy on Lambda and ECS Fargate
  3. Multiple Services (backend, frontend)
  4. Multiple Environments (preview, production)
  5. Custom Deployment Triggers


Made for organizations of all sizes

  1. All Pro features included
  2. Github Organizations
  3. Multiple AWS Accounts
  4. SOC2 Compliance
  5. Priority email support & SLAs

Early Adopter

Offer available during beta program only

  1. Lifetime access
  2. All Pro and Teams features, when available
  3. Migration assistance
  4. Priority email support
  5. Private support channel (Discord/Slack)
$299One-time. Lifetime license.


Made for large teams solving big problems

  1. All features included
  2. SOC2 Compliance
  3. SSO/SAML for Thunder Console
  4. Priority email support & SLAs
  5. Private support channel (Discord/Slack)

All plans include

  1. 100% data ownership
  2. Forever data retention
  3. Privacy law compliance
  4. Enterprise-grade security
  5. No vendor lock-in
  6. Apps keep working if you cancel

Frequently Asked Questions

I am using Vercel / Netlify / DigitalOcean Apps, why should I switch?

Full control and visibility over your infrastructure. Applications hosted on the AWS serverless costs a fraction of what you are paying. Small companies can make great use of the AWS free tier and Activate credits.

What if I want a refund?

Money back, no questions asked. Contact support for assistance. Please refrain from filing chargeback disputes; We are happy to refund if you want out.

How do I cancel my account?

You can export your data and cancel your account any time from the Settings page in Thunder Console.